Interface Utils

The Utils module provides methods to resolve paths, execute external programs and show system dialogs.

Available In Entry

Main and Global entry


  • Utils



The error code returned by utils.exec when the executable file is not found.


The error code returned by utils.exec when the executable file is found but cannot be executed.


  • Check if a binary file exists in the system PATH, or a file exists at the given path. This method can be used before utils.exec to check if the executable file exists.


    // check if ffmpeg exists in PATH

    // check if a ffmpeg exists in the plugin's data directory


    • file: string

      The binary name, or the path to the file.

    Returns boolean

  • Resolve a path by expanding special path prefixes like @data to the actual system directory. It also handles tilde expansion.


    • path: string

      The path to resolve.

    Returns string

  • Execute an external program.


    A promise that resolves to an object containing the exit status, standard output and standard error output.


    Permission "file-system" must present in Info.json to use this method.


    // execute ffmpeg
    const { status, stdout, stderr } = await utils.exec("ffmpeg", [
    "-i", "input.mp4",
    "-vf", "scale=1280:720",


    • file: string

      The binary name (if it's in the system PATH), or the path to the executable file. It's recommended to use utils.fileInPath to check if the executable file exists.

    • args: string[]

      The arguments to pass to the executable file.

    • Optional cwd: string

      The working directory of the executable file.

    • Optional stdoutHook: ((data: string) => void)

      Set up a hook to receive the streaming standard output of the executable file.

        • (data: string): void
        • Parameters

          • data: string

            The newly available standard output data.

          Returns void

    • Optional stderrHook: ((data: string) => void)

      Set up a hook to receive the streaming standard error of the executable file.

        • (data: string): void
        • Parameters

          • data: string

            The newly available standard error data.

          Returns void

    Returns Promise<{
        status: number;
        stdout: string;
        stderr: string;

  • Show a system dialog with "OK" and "Cancel" buttons. Can be used to ask for confirmation, or simply show a message to the user.


    true if the user clicks "OK", false if the user clicks "Cancel".


    const yes = utils.ask("Are you sure you want to delete these files?");

    utils.ask("This is a message");


    • title: string

      The content of the dialog.

    Returns boolean

  • Show a system dialog with an input field to prompt the user for a string input.


    // download a file to plugin's data folder with user-input filename
    const fn = utils.prompt("Please enter the file name");"", `@data/downloads/${fn}`);


    • title: string

      The title of the dialog.

    Returns string

  • Show a system file chooser panel.


    Full path of the chosen file or directory.


    const path = utils.chooseFile("Please select a subtitle file", {
    allowedFileTypes: ["ass", "srt"],


    • title: string

      The title of the panel.

    • options: Partial<{
          chooseDir: boolean;
          allowedFileTypes: string[];

      Optional options.

      • chooseDir: choose a directory instead of a file.
      • allowedFileTypes: specify a list of available file extensions. Files without these extensions will be disabled in the panel.

    Returns string

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